The ego can be tricky, manipulative, and really quite harsh at times. It survives and thrives on fear and separation and is very self preserving. It works to maintain what is, and keep separate the boundaries between you and everything else in the world. The ego causes you to think ‘I am me' and other people, places, and things are not. According to the ego you are separate
Here are 13 tricks the ego may try to pull on you after your instant transformation:
1) "Being in my light is not working."
2) "I don't have time to do my iiiDIVINITY exercise."
3) "Keeping track of changes is a waste of time. Besides, these isn't any I can see."
4) Finding something wrong with Donn or the process. (to turn you against him and cut off our connection)
5) Point out the negatives, think the worst possible scenario, and think very bad things about everything that's happening.
6) The threat of death or dying.
7) "It is too dangerous to be in my light."
8) Escalating anger, rage and resentment to someone or a situation.
9) "I am fine now I don't need to do those exercises."
10) "I am not doing nearly as well as the others, so I am going to quit."
11) "I just blew everything out of proportion, the old patterns weren't nearly as bad as I thought."
12) "I can't get out of my head to access my Divinity."
13) "I don't fit in anywhere anymore. And I have no one who can truly relate to me or I cant relate to them."
14) "I am alone and I need to go back to my old ways to fit in."
15) "I don't deserve to be this joyful."
16) "I need to punish myself more for all the pain I've caused others.".
17) "My old self was more comfortable"
18) "I crave the addiction to drama."
19) "The unknown/unfamiliar is a dangerous place."
20) "It's boring being in my light."
With awareness, you can start to see that your ego, and your notion of who you really are is illusionary. The ego is web of beliefs thoughts, and feelings which creates reality, and paints the picture of ‘who you are'.
As you connect to your divinity. Becoming more aware of the oneness energy, and bringing your ego into love and light, you're able to live without so much anxiety, nervousness, and drama. You're able to be aware of your thoughts, beliefs, and energy, and you're able to take control.